Welcome to TheMouth&TheHeart… my recipe/food/photography blog.


I am a blogging virgin, so bear withe me. I wanted to create a blog to share my recipes/creations with people who might not know where to begin in the kitchen.  I grew up in a cape style home in southern (nowhere) Maine in a small neighborhood originally named Beaver Run Rd. Despite popular believe, there were beavers behind my house who built beautiful damns in the foggy bogs. Anyways, I grew up begging my mother for an easy bake oven, all my friends had them and I didn’t understand why I wasn’t allowed to have the coolest toy out there, I wanted to make brownies… and then my mother said something that now, I look back on and am really grateful for these words.. she said, “use the real oven”.  The REAL OVEN!? Ok. So around the young ripe age of 8 I began cooking and baking. By the age of 12 I was making my own meals and even cooking for my uncle Willy when he came to town, he created the name “Doodle’s Diner” based on the nickname Emmydoodle, I was unfortunately given. Every time Willy would come to visit, I would wake up early and get my ingredients ready for McMuffins… and I would graciously go around the table and take orders for these McMuffins, that were around $1.75. (a real bargin) Egg and cheese, would you like ham? bacon? sausage?  Then to the kitchen I would go to fulfill these 4-8 orders all by myself. This tradition lasted many years. My favorite person in the world is my Grandmother, and during my teenage years she would frequently tell me I would make a great wife and mother someday, always saying “the way to a man’s heart, is through his stomach…”  She was right.

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